Model Making and Sculpture Projects

Model Making and Sculpture Projects

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Construction Projects

Frankenstien Build

Dec 2010,

I want step away from the computer and try clay sculpting. I liked the idea of trying to do a likeness but one that allows for some creative interpretation.

As a fan of movie monsters, I decide to try Frankenstein's monster.  loosely based on Karlof's likeness, but not beholden to it.

One thing I like about this choice was that I wouldn't have to worry about eyes, since they would be shut.

Here's the sculpt from start to finish: 

I built a tilting lazy susan and attached it to the top of a barstool.
Overall head shape is roughed out:

Sculpting progress:


Finished clay sculpt:

Turned out okay, I only wish it was 1:1 or 1/4 scale... it's some strange scale inbetween--which looks child-size and is somewhat disturbing.

A while back I saw a post online about making translucent resin busts that look very flesh-like and realistic.  I decide to try this.  I have never molded and something this large in resin before, so it should be interesting.

I made a video outlining that process:


Unpainted translucent resin bust:

Final painted version, it's tricky to paint a translucent model and retain translucency but for a first try I think it turned out okay, it definitely looks a lot more "fleshy" than anything cast in opaque resin.


Lessons learned:

1) Don't rush, I sort of rushed the ears as they were done last... they bug me.
2) For a bust make it either 1:1 or 1/4 scale or smaller. 
3) With clear resin a TINY bit of dye goes a long way, I should have used less to exaggerate the translucent effect.

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